Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week 23

Hello my wonderful family!!

Man I wish that video would have worked!! For some reason the video wouldn't download right... :( But still Columbia!!! Wow!!!! I had a little prayer in my heart that he would go some place warm and looky there! My prayer/dreams came true!! Oh man this has been the best news i could have received! Congratulations MAC-O! i wrote him a better email about it so i won't go too into my excitement, but know that i am just so excited for you yakcM!

From the sounds of things, things are CRAZY in the Brown home! That does not surprise me one bit ;) Things are always pretty crazy from Jan-May in the Brown home. Crazy is good sometimes though!

Things here are good. You're favorite Sister Missionary is workin real hard here in Bridlington trying to find souls to save. We're in the process of trying to find new investigators...which can be tough here in Brid but i know we can do it!

Have i told you about one of our investigators Nanci?? I don't think i have so i will tell you! She is wonderful! She's 17...pregnant...and in the middle of a divorce...oh did i mention she was a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN. I hope there are people out there who can appreciate the fact we're teaching a Born Again :) But she's looking pretty solid for her baptism on the 9 March. :D I truly do just love her so much. She's had to overcome some WOW difficulties, but she's gone 3 days without smoking!

....but yesterday, ugh was SUCH a horrible day. So she came to church for the first time (woot woot!!) but after church when she got home her water broke :( She delivered her little baby girl Alice 5 months early :( And little Alice didn't make it through the night. It was horrible. Just horrible. I kept thinking, "Why her? Why now?! She's changing her life, she's excepted the gospel, she has a testimony, she's not smoking!!! WHY Heavenly Father?!" After talking with S. Stout about it and getting a good cry in, i just felt just such a peace about it. Not that the circumstances changed, not that anything was made right...but the spirit did come and it brought peace to my heart. We then later on went and visited her. She had the most AMAZING ATTITUDE ABOUT IT!! She just kept saying, "Everything happens for a reason, God is in control, Every trial is a blessing in disguise." Man I just felt awful. After seeing her i just kept thinking "Where is my faith?!?!?!?!?" Nanci is exactly right. God is in control. He knows all things. He knows why everything has to happen, and it's all for our good. Each day I just come to realize how comfortable of a life I've got. I've never really gone through any major trials. But these people i continue to meet show me that even in the face of the biggest trials you can find hope, you can find faith...and it strengthens our faith!

I'm so grateful for my mission. For the things I'm learning each and ever day. For he opportunity i have to work hard and be a Representative of my Savior! i love him so much! I love each of you so much too! i hope this week is just SOOO great!!

Congratulations again Mckay! I love you so much and I'm just so proud of you too!!!

Love you all to the moon and back!!

Love, Sister Brown

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week 22

I would like to take a moment of silence for my girl and diva Whitney Houston






Alright! Man the things that happen while you're on the mission! Joey did Michael Jackson die while you were out?! I think he might have...I don't remember.
Hello Family!!!

Things here in Bridlington are just GREAT! You are right it is a small fishing village right next to the North Sea! It's right down the street from our flat! (Don't worry i took some pictures to send ;) ) Things here with Sister Stout are just great! We're workin really hard! Our teaching pool here isn't the biggest..but that just means we've got a lot of Gods prepared children to find which is exciting! I do miss my greeny area SO much, but it is nice to stread my missionary wings and actually become the missionary God wants me to be. I feel like i'm growing so much :)

My new address is:

74 Wellington Road

Bridlington, North Humberside

YO15 2AZ

I truly do love it here! The area is REALLY SMALL so we just walk everywhere we go which is SO nice!  Its so nice to be outside and actually talking to people. While in a car area you don't get a lot of chances to just street contact- we usually just knocked A LOT of doors, but here we get to walk everywhere which is really nice!

The highlight of the week was A BAPTISM! The second day i was here we had a baptism!! His name is Richard Marnick and he's 16! He is so amazing! One of the best 16 year olds i have ever met! He is another Golden Investigator! He just gets it! He's not your typical 16 year old. He has one of the biggest hearts and such a huge testimony of this gospel. I'm so lucky i was able to be here for his baptism. I actually got to sing at it :) They didn't have a pianist so I told them i could just sing something accepella (spelling) and he said i could but I'd have to sing for him first (hahaha so basically i had to audition to sing in his baptism haha he's such a goof) It was such a neat experience.

I'm looking forward to serving here and getting to know the branch (yes it's a little branch ha!) members and the area better :) I LOVE being a missionary! I love this gospel! I love the wonderful oppertunity i have to share it!

I love you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! To the moon and back!

I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day and can feel my love from here!!

PS. Mckay...YOU COULD GET YOUR CALL THIS WEEK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm gunna be on pins and needles ALL WEEK waiting!!! Send a video!!!!

Lets see where do i think you're i have no idea!!! Just because I'm in the bitter cold (haha) I'm gonna say I hope you go somewhere warm! I'm gonna say Tonga :) I love you so much Mac-o! Study up on Preach my Gospel Chapter 3. Joey will get you all prepared for what you need to know! Have him give you some pointers!
Shout outs!!

Keith Goodrich! HELLO FRIEND! I got your letter! TYLER IS COMING HERE TO ENGLAND!!! AHHH!!! so exciting! COLE IS GOING TO TEXAS!!!!!! I almost cried when i got his letter! i need his mission address so i can write him and Tyler! Be expecting a letter soon!


Love you all so much!! Cheers til next week!

Love, Sister Brown

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 21

                                                               Tracy's Baptism!!
Sister Brown and Sister Sorenson

Dear Family....

I AM BEING TRANSFERED!!! I'M LEAVIN MY GREENY AREA!!!! So many mixed emotions. So sad to be leaving this place. I just love it here! I'm definitely going to be leaving a huge chunk of my heart here with the people i love. I'm excited for this new adventure though. SOOO sad that me and Sister Sorensen aren't together anymore. We really were the dream team. Just the best combination :) But she is gonna be a MOM!!! (Mission lingo for "She's training!!! Stanley is getting another greeny!) She's going to be amazing!! I'm so excited for her! She's going to be an EPIC trainer. Well you're all probably wondering where I'm going!

Drum Roll Please...

BRIDLINGTON!!! I'm going South to the Leeds Zone :) :D And my companion is....

Drum Roll Please....

I don't know if you remember Sister Stout but my very first transfer me and her got stuck in Derlington at the train station cause someone commited suicide and jumped out in front of the train...ya an epic memory with her :) I'll send a picture of her to remind ya! But yes I'm SO excited that we're going to be companions! She's super funny like Sister Sorensen! I think we're going to get along great!

I can't believe how fast time is flying! It's like I blinked and this transfer is over!

 Malory- WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? So lame!! I know how you feel Mal, it happened my Senior year too. Man I can't believe it's over...jetts is over for you...your GRADUATING!!!

McKay- YOUR PAPERS ARE IN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :D!!! Let me know THE MOMENT you get your call!

Well I have to go! We have so much to do to get things ready for the greeny that's coming in and then me packin up all my things AND saying goodbye to all the wonderful people i love here. :(

I love you all so so so much! To the moon and back!!!

cheers :)

Love, Sister Brown